KK will be working with the physicians and scientists at M.D.Anderson for her recovery.

After issues with an infected tooth and pain/swelling of her jaw and neck in 2022, KK was recently diagnosed with Stage 3(4?) oral cavity squamous cell cancer. (No, she was not secretly chewing tobacco or smoking a pipe!)

MDA successfully removed the infected/swollen lymph nodes 2/2023 and plans to do a second procedure to remove and reconstruct part of her jaw bone in 3/2023. While the journey is expected to be intense, her prognosis is very good that this is localized to her jaw/neck and this will be behind her by 2024.

KK’s mother, Nancy, worked with MDA successfully for over 25 years(!) through her own cancer journey and was a source of joy and light to others.
Inspired by Nancy’s larger-than-life humor & optimism combined with pragmatism, KK is also choosing to embrace this experience as an opportunity to share light and love with family, friends, doctors, and strangers alike.

Feel free to share encouragement & positive messages with KK on this page.
